History Club/Phi Alpha Theta

Welcome to the History Club/Phi Alpha Theta in the Utah State University Department of History!

Phi Alpha Theta is a national professional society whose mission is to promote the study of history through the encouragement of research, good teaching, publication and the exchange of learning and ideas among historians. We seek to bring students and teachers together for intellectual and social exchanges. At USU, we sponsor social events, conferences, and scholarship opportunities. You don’t have to be a formal member to attend events, but to join the national group, you must meet specific requirements and pay a small fee.

Phi Alpha Theta plans exciting and educational activities every semester, so make sure to join in! Each event features history-themed activities and fun prizes.

Upcoming Events Location/Time
The Annual Road Trip Friday, September 27
Fright Night Thursday, October 24
Movie Night Tuesday, December 3
Biennial National Conference in Washington DC January 2-5


Student Officers

Katie Jenkins, President
Braydon Wright, Vice President
Jasmine Lowe, Secretary
Tennessee Tarrant, Treasurer

Phi Alpha Theta Officers of 2022Student Officers (2023) Deven, Katie, and BraydonNational Conference in Albuquerque January 2023Albuquerque, NM (2023)

Costumed student officers take a photo for Fright Night in 2021
Fright Night (2021) Phi Alpha Theta Student Officers


Mustafa Banister

Mustafa Banister

Assistant Professor


Office Location: Logan (MAIN 323F)

Membership Information

National Membership Information