Outcomes Data

2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015

2022 Outcomes Data

The assessment committee sampled 20 projects (proposals and papers) from HIST 3000 from Fall 2021 and Spring 2022 using new, simplified internal review rubrics.

Student # Historical Thinking Historical Knowledge Historical Evidence Mechanics Total:
Student A 9 6 2 5 22
Student B 7 8 8 8 31
Student C 3 8 7 6 24
Student D 1 0 1 2 4
Student E 7 8 8 8 31
Student F 6 8 9 10 33
Student G 6 9 9 10 34
Student H 7 9 9 10 35
Student I 10 10 10 10 40
Student J 9 10 10 9 38
Student K 10 9 7 8 34
Student L 7 8 6 8 29
Student M 7 9 8 8 33
Student N 8 10 8 9 35
Student O 8 9 9 10 36
Student P 6 7 7 9 29
Student Q 10 10 10 9 39
Student R 7 9 9 9 34
Student S 5 7 7 8 27
Student T 10 9 9 9 37
Average (rounded) 7 8 8 8 31

  • Historical Thinking: 7 (High of "Needs Improvement" on Internal Rubric): The thesis statement is not clearly presented and/or is more descriptive than analytical.
  • Historical Knowledge: 8 (Low of “Meets Expectations” on Internal Rubric): Student demonstrates a preliminary understanding of historiography by engaging with secondary sources, though some authors’ interpretive differences may not be fully identified or addressed.
  • Historical Evidence: 8 (Low of “Meets Expectations” on Internal Rubric): Student adequately demonstrates identification and engagement with primary sources.
  • Mechanics: 8 (Low of “Meets Expectations” on Internal Rubric): Assignment meets all page requirements; contains necessary sections; writing is adequate but there may be room for improvement; free of grammatical errors; has proper Chicago Manual of Style footnotes.
Overall: We are meeting our expectations in most of our internal review criteria for HIST 3000. There is room for improvement in “historical thinking,” especially in the development of analytical thesis statements. Perhaps emphasis in other classes about thesis statement construction as well as instruction regarding analytical vs. descriptive thesis statements could be included in other courses as well.

The assessment committee sampled 20 papers from HIST 4990 from Fall 2021 and Spring 2022 using new, simplified (see attached) internal review rubrics.

Paper Historical Thinking Historical Knowledge Historical Evidence Mechanics Total:
Paper A 8 10 8 9 35
Paper B 6 8 6 8 28
Paper C  9 8 8 8 33
Paper D 9 8 9 9 34
Paper E 7 8 9 8 32
Paper F 5 8 6 7 26
Paper G 8 8 8 7 31
Paper H 8 8 8 7 31
Paper I 6 6 7 6 25
Paper J 10 10 10 10 40
Paper K 9 0 6 9 24
Paper L 10 8 10 9 37
Paper M 10 10 10 10 40
Paper N 8 10 9 7 34
Paper O 6 6 6 6 24
Paper P 8 7 8 8 31
Paper Q 9 9 9 9 36
Paper R 5 4 4 4 17
Paper S 3 1 1 8 13
Paper T 9 8 10 9 36
Average (Rounded) 8 7 8 8 30

  • Historical Thinking: 8 (“Meets Expectations” on Internal Rubric) A thesis statement is present, argumentative, and consistent throughout the paper, supported by various sections.
  • Historical Knowledge: 7 (High of “Needs Improvement”) Student cites secondary sources, but it is not clear how it informed their investigation. A historiography section may be lacking.
  • Historical Evidence: 8 (“Meets Expectations” on Internal Rubric): Student adequately demonstrates analysis of and engagement with primary sources to support their thesis statement.
  • Mechanics: 8 (“Meets Expectations” on Internal Rubric): Paper meets all page requirements; contains necessary sections; writing is adequate but there may be room for improvement; free of grammatical errors; has proper Chicago Manual of Style footnotes.

We are meeting expectations in most of our review criteria. An area for improvement is in the “historical knowledge” section. Perhaps this is a result of additional need to engage with and explore historiography at different stages of students’ academic career.

Data Visualizations of Assessment

Bar graph showing data from HIST 3000 table above

Bar graph showing data from HIST 4990 table above