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Mollie Murphy


Communication Studies - Communication Studies and Philosophy

Associate Professor

Mollie Murphy

Contact Information

Office Hours: Tuesday & Thursday, 11:30-12:30 on Zoom or by appointment
Office Location: Logan (LUNDB 203)
Additional Information:

Educational Background

  B.A., Communication Studies, University of Montana, 2012
  M.A., Communication Studies (Rhetoric and Public Discourse),
  University of Montana, 2014

  Ph.D., Communication Studies (Rhetorical Studies), University
  of Georgia, 2018


Mollie specializes in rhetorical criticism and theory. Her research focuses most heavily on examining how (and to what end) advocates for environmental and social justice navigate rhetorical challenges. Her work has been published in Women’s Studies in Communication, the Western Journal of Communication, Argumentation and Advocacy, Frontiers in Communication, the Southern Communication Journal, and elsewhere. Mollie’s essay forthcoming in the Western Journal of Communication forwards the concept of sublime wonder to rethink the sublime as a widely accessible means of engaging the more-than-human world; sublime wonder thus challenges hierarchical distinctions between the beautiful and sublime and between domestic spheres and “wilderness.”

  • Environmental Communication
  • Gender Communication
  • Communication Criticism
  • Celebrity activism 
  • Women scientists as activists 
  • Emotions in activism