History Teaching

Major, Minor


Historians look to the past, and history teachers tell it to the future. With classes in up-to-date teaching methodologies and pedegogies and steps to gain licensure through USU's Secondary Teacher Education Program (STEP), this track provides students with a path to begin teaching history classes right after graduation.

History Teaching Majors study a mix of US, World, and European History, along with coursework in the College of Education. This allows prospective teachers to develop the habits of mind and instructional strategies necessary to teach effectively in a variety of settings—both in and outside the classroom.

Career Application

Through STEP, students can gain licensure to teach classes in grades 6-12 right after graduation. 

Advanced Details

Students majoring in history teaching and applying to the STEP program must go through an application process, which includes the following:

  • Complete History Teaching Major plus the required STEP courses with a minimum GPA of 3.0
  • Complete a speech and hearing test
  • Pass the Teacher Education Writing Exam
  • Provide an unofficial copy of your transcript
  • Pass a criminal background check (this should be done one semester before submitting the application)

Alumni Advice

Jason Nelson

Tune in to watch Jason Nelson (BS JCOM Public Relations & Corporate Communication) discussing interviewing skills.

The Value of an Inclusive Education

Listen in as several alumni of color reflect on their time at USU and discuss its impact on their careers. Learn from their professional experiences to consider how multicultural education affects students at USU.

Young Alums Panel

Young alums give advice and information about career options post-graduation at our Alumni Lunch Series.

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Scholarships & Financial Aid

  • Utah State University offers many options for financial aid, including university level scholarships and aid available to specific colleges and majors.