November 21, 2019

Putting Donors' Dollars to work: Undergraduate and Graduate Student Awards & Scholarships

In 2019, we gave more than $31,000 in scholarships and awards to students in History, Religious Studies, and Classics. As a department, we work hard to make college more affordable for our students, and we are thrilled to announce that last year we added two new scholarships and one new award to our growing list.


The Mehdi Heravi International Experience Scholarship

The Mehdi Heravi International Experience Scholarship was established in 2019 with a very generous endowment from Dr. Mehdi Heravi, a USU alumnus who is committed to both the CHaSS mission and student success. The scholarship provides funding to History and Religious Studies majors to participate in an international study abroad experience. 


The Norm Jones and Cecile Gilmer Benefice

In his career at Utah State University Norm Jones was a distinguished historian, an award-winning teacher, Department Head of History for eighteen years, and Director of General Education. As Chair of History he led the creation of Classics and Religious Studies at USU. He believes the ideal professor should excel in research, teaching and service. To promote and reward excellence in both faculty and students, he and his wife, Cecile Gilmer, are creating the Norm Jones and Cecile Gilmer Benefice, which includes the Norm Jones Faculty Fellow and the Norm Jones Student Fellow awards, to be awarded for the first time in spring 2020.


The Daniel McInerney Scholarship

Throughout his career, Dr. Daniel McInerney devoted himself to his students through patient mentoring, passionate teaching, and caring leadership. After a distinguished career in the history department, Dr. McInerney retired in 2018. This scholarship, started by a former student, supports students who are making good progress toward their history degrees but who have faced hardships or challenges along the way. The scholarship will be awarded for the first time in spring 2020.

2018-2019 Student of the Year Awards

History Major 

Jamie Sanders, Dean Joe Ward, and Daniel Bertrand.

Interim Department Head Jamie Sanders (left) and Dean Joe Ward (right) with History Major Student of the Year, Daniel Bertrand.

History Teaching Major

Jamie Sanders, Dean Joe Ward, and Tiffany Caruthers

Jamie Sanders (left) and Dean Ward (right) with History Teaching Major Student of the Year, Tiffany Caruthers.

Religious Studies 

Jamie Sanders, Dean Joe Ward, and Tanner McAlister

Jamie Sanders (left) and Dean Ward (right) with Religious Studies Student of the Year, Tanner McAlister.

Lindsey Ames: J. Duncan Brite Scholarship

Jonah Bibo: Graduate Student Travel Award

Austen Blanchard: Ralph Erickson Scholarship

Kristen Brady: Graduate Student Travel Award

Noelle Dellinger: Mehdi Heravi Scholarship

Hope Eggett: George Ellsworth American History Scholarship

Jeremy Furner: Tony Kinninger Scholarship

Anna Hubbard: Mehdi Heravi Scholarship; Ralph Erickson Scholarship

Radhia Ismael: Religious Studies Majors’ Scholarship

Katielyn Kantaris: History Excellence Award

Katie Farr: Nicholls HIST 4990 Award

Katrina Funk: W. Mont Timmins Essay Award

Keirstyn Luthy: History Excellence Award    

Christian O'Brien: Leonard N. Rosenband Scholarship

Sydney Pond: Kathryn Bowen Bullen Writing Award

Daniel Porter: Leonard N. Rosenband Scholarship

Elizabeth Randall: Preston J. Nibley History Scholarship; Ross Peterson Scholarship

Julie Reeder: Religious Studies Majors’ Scholarship

Sarah Turley: Tony Kinninger Scholarship



The Department of History would like to thank faculty, alumni, and friends who have contributed to our mission with gifts of time and money. Your generosity has allowed us to provide these scholarships, awards, fellowships, research funds, and travel stipends to our wonderful students.

We thank you for your continued support. 


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