May 1, 2023

Join our Chapter of Phi Alpha Theta!

Calling all historians (or any students who are remotely interested in traveling, eating snacks or playing with historical weapons on campus)! Utah State has its own chapter of Phi Alpha Theta, a national honors society for students of history, and we would love for you to join! Applications are available to any student who has completed 12 credit hours of history (with at least a 3.1 GPA in those classes). After paying a one-time fee of $50, you become a lifelong member of this national society.

Our chapter is always hosting fun events on campus, including movie nights, a historical scary story-telling night every October, and random exploits like testing the sound of your screams while holding historical shields (and eating cookies afterwards). We also travel to both regional and national conferences, presenting research papers and going all over the country! 

Contact our current faculty advisor, Tammy Proctor, at if you have any questions. We can't wait to explore history with you!

  Student performing gladiator demo    professor Mark Damen in costume    students at a research conference

group of students travelling    professor Tammy Proctor and kids in costume