1. Identifying Funding Opportunities
Before you can apply for external funding you must:
- Complete the RFAST training
- Conflict of Interest forms must be updated once per year or after you receive new funding
Find funding:
- Assistance in finding funding
- Proposal Development Specialist
- Department Head
- Associate Dean
- Use Grantforward database
- Use database maintained and updated by the CHaSS Proposal Development Specialist, Nicole Steinicke
Once funding opportunity is identified:
- Consult with either the Proposal Development Specialist, Department Head, or Associate Dean to ensure opportunity aligns with USU’s Mission
- Become very familiar with the Notice of Funding Opportunity/Request for Proposal
- Contact the Funding Opportunity’s Program Officer (if applicable)
- Create a plan for writing and submission
Additional Resources & Optional Trainings
- Read USU Policies
- Attend a proposal writing workshop
- Read the Best Practices in Grant & Proposal Writing
2. Write Your Proposal
6 weeks+ prior to deadline:
- Identify all the documents needed for submission
- Create Kuali Proposal
- Develop Budget
- Write Proposal narrative
- Finalize all required documents
Proposal Development Specialist Team can assist with all steps.
Additional Resources & Optional Trainings
- Read the Best Practices in Grant & Proposal Writing
- Link to applicable policies
- Facilities & Administration Rates (F&A), indirect costs (IDC)
- Research Data Management Plans (DMP)
3. Submit Proposal
Before you can submit you must:
- Verify Kuali and application with Proposal Development Specialist
- Ensure you are submitting 5 business days prior to deadline for internal routing
Sponsored programs will either submit proposal or work with Principal Investigator (PI) on submission.
If awarded, moves to SPO post award processing which takes at least 3 weeks.
4. Post Award
USU accepts the award and creates an index number, at which point funding will be available.
Business services managers will assist PI in index tracking.
- PIs are responsible for writing required reports to sponsors (Proposal Development Specialists do not write these reports)
- PIs should work with PDS on any Kuali submission necessary for reporting
No cost extensions
- PIs should make careful note of their project end date and no cost extension due date
- PIs must request a no cost extension typically 31 days before project end date
- PDS can assist, but will not request this on behalf of PIs
5. Sharing Research
CHaSS encourages faculty to share their research in ways most appropriate to their field.
Publishing Support:
- Editorial Assistance: Through a C.A.R.E. Award, CHaSS faculty can pay for editorial support including copy editors, indexers, and for image permissions.
- Publication Subvention Fund: Paid directly to a press, a subvention fund can help lower the cost of publication. Also available from the USU Office of Research
- Open Access Policy: CHaSS does not currently provide open access fees to faculty, graduate, or undergraduate students. Check the USU Library for their Open Access Fund and other opportunities to make your scholarship open access.
CHaSS Book Talks: Recently published a book? Check out our CHaSS Book Talks series.
Liberalis and CHaSS Communications: Share your research highlight.