International Studies Internships

Faculty Advisor
International studies students must undertake experiences within international settings as part of their study. An internship may count as international experience if it is undertaken in a foreign country, or it is undertaken in the US and involves a significant level of international engagement. International studies students have completed internships for international experience at the State Department, Pacific Command, and at Cache Valley nonprofit Candle of Light - Vela de Luz.
Financial Assistance
The Department of Political Science offers an Undergraduate Academic Opportunity Award to political science, international studies, and law & constitutional studies majors. This award can be used for internships, conferences, or study abroad.
There are several paid, online services available to help you find opportunities that will fulfill your internship requirements. A quick search of the internet can find a host of such companies. These organizations are not affiliated with or endorsed by USU but are listed here as a resource as you explore to see what is available to you.
- Go Abroad and Go Overseas have many internships including opportunities related to the global environment and natural resources area of the major.
- Youthlinc is an organization with strong connections to USU through its Global Community Leader program.
- Kiva and The Borgen Project have positions available that may be of particular interest to students studying in the global development area.
The following websites also contain a variety of internship opportunities: