Campus Climate Research

Since 2013 we have been engaged in campus climate research to determine the role that religious affiliation plays in making our campus feel welcoming and inclusive or not. The studies listed below summarize our findings and the positive impacts that the curricular and co-curricular programs sponsored by the USU Interfaith Initiative have had on making our campus feel more welcoming for all Aggies. The bottom line? Our programs are having a positive impact, but there is still much work to do.

The Role of Anthropological Diversity on a Public University Campus

Bonnie Glass-Coffin in Practicing Anthropology, Spring 2017

We live in an era where xenophobia, Islamophobia, and dangerous "Othering" is gaining ground in our communities. If anthropology's purpose still is, as Ruth Benedict once said, "to make the world safe for human differences," it is more important now than ever for colleges and universitites to provide our students with the necessary tools to do so." This research report provides an overview of the grass-roots USU Interfaith Initiative, its' origins, development, and "pros" and "cons" of a bottom-up approach to this campus-wide initiative.

Building Capacity and Transforming Lives

Bonnie Glass-Coffin in Annals of Anthropological Practice, Fall 2016

This paper tells the story of how undergraduate researchers at Utah State University became involved in a campus-climate research project that led to the initation of the Utah State University Interfaith Initiative.

Updates on the Activites of USU Interfaith Initiative as a Way of Addressing Campus Climate Challenges

As a result of Campus Climate research undertaken in the fall of 2013, the USU Interfaith Initiative was developed to address identified needs. The PowerPoint presentation summarizes a few of the curricular and co-curricular programs and events undertaken as part of this initiative to promote interfaith cooperation on our campus.

IDEALS National, Survey Final Report Time 1

Final Report Time 1: Survey of USU Freshmen, 2015-2016

Together with more than 120 other colleges and universities around the United States, USU is participating in the national Interfaith Diversity Experiences and Attitudes Longitudinal Study or "IDEALS" survey. This survey was co-developed  by Interfaith Youth Core and North Carolina State University to measure the impact that university experiences have on the emergence of a worldview that promotes religious "pluralism" (appreciative engagement across religious divides).  View the first year report here.

IDEALS National Survey, Final Report Time 2

Final Report Time 2: Survey of USU Sophomores, 2016-2017

Together with more than 120 other colleges and universities around the United States, USU is participating in the national Interfaith Diversity Experiences and Attitudes Longitudinal Study or "IDEALS" survey. This survey was co-developed  by Interfaith Youth Core and North Carolina State University to measure the impact that university experiences have on the emergence of a worldview that promotes religious "pluralism" (appreciative engagement across religious divides). View the second year report here.

IDEALS National Survey, Final Report Time 3

Final Report Time 3: Survey of USU Seniors, 2018-2019

Together with more than 120 other colleges and universities around the United States, USU is participating in the national Interfaith Diversity Experiences and Attitudes Longitudinal Study or "IDEALS" survey. This survey was co-developed  by Interfaith Youth Core and North Carolina State University to measure the impact that university experiences have on the emergence of a worldview that promotes religious "pluralism" (appreciative engagement across religious divides).  View the third and final year report here.

"Speed Faithing" engages "Big Questions" and Builds Bridges of Empathy and Connection

"Speed Faithing" engages "Big Questions" and Builds Bridges of Empathy and Connection by Bonnie Glass-Coffin

An article about how various Interfaith activities can help campus become a safer place for students in the wake of the 2016 Presidential Election.

Testing the Waters of Interfaith Cooperation at USU

Testing the Waters of Interfaith at USU by Del Young

This Religious Studies Capstone project by Mr. Delbert Young (Spring 2018) updates campus climate research and summarizes student desires for Interfaith Initiative "next steps".

Campus Interfaith Inventory Report 2018-2019

Utah State University, Campus Interfaith Inventory Report

For the last two years Utah State University and 362 other colleges and universities around the United States have inventoried the degree to which leadership practices for interfaith cooperation (as defined in Liberal Education (2015) are an integral part of our campus climate. Our promising practices and emerging priorities, and comparisons between Utah State University, other public universities and the sample as a whole are summarized in this report.