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Rev. Dr. Bonnie Glass-Coffin

Bonnie Glass-Coffin is a Professor of Anthropology/Affiliate Professor of Religious Studies at Utah State University and the Co-founder and current Director of the USU Interfaith Initiative. She is a shamanism scholar and practitioner, an ordained Interfaith minister, and a board certified multifaith chaplain. She is passionate about providing opportunities for all members of the greater campus community to be able to share their deepest convictions and to explore the biggest questions in their lives while learning how to engage appreciatively with others in sesrvice to a common good. Her curricular and co-curricular efforts to promote interfaith cooperation on campus has been a force for positive change at Utah State University. Her office is located in Old Main 245F and although she is on sabbatical for the 2020-2021 year, she loves to talk with students about the "big questions" in their lives. She can be reached by e-mail at

Professional Headshot of Bonnie Glass-Coffin
Bonnie Glass-Coffin, PhD, MDiv, BCC, Director of USU Interfaith Initiative

Madison Jenkins

Madison is a journalism and international studies major and is passionate about promoting the work of interfaith cooperation both on and off campus. She currently serves as President of the USU Interfaith Student Association (IFSA), having served on the IFSA leadership team last year as well. She is warm, incredibly approachable, and a tremendous interfaith leader and we are lucky to have her energy and commitment to help students overcome the sense of isolation and separation that is so rampant during COVID-19 by finding innovative ways to come together. To participate in any of the initiatives that she coordinates and facilitates, contact her at

Professional Headshot of Madison Jenkins
Madison Jenkins
Interfaith Student Association President 2021-2022