By Alyssa Hughes | December 4, 2020

USU Historian Publishes Updated History of the First World War

Cover of Susan Grayzel's book


LOGAN, UTAH, December 2, 2020 — Students in history now have a new way to learn about the history of the First World War after the publication of Dr. Susan R. Grayzel's second updated edition of The First World War: A Brief History With Documents. Dr. Grayzel, Professor of History and specialist in gender and war, incorporated new scholarship from the war's centennial into the fresh volume. Written and priced to make the history accessible to students and the general public, the book invites readers to delve into some of the war's "most famous as well as relatively unknown voices" and encourages readers to take a deep dive into the complexity of this catastrophic twentieth century conflict.

According to Grayzel, the book is part of "a series designed to provide teachers and students with an accessible way to understand a topic through selected primary sources and a succinct overview.” The new edition has new documents and information, and as Grayzel noted, "I welcomed the chance to incorporate some of those new perspectives including new research and newly translated documents in a revised second edition." For instance, highlights from this latest edition include coverage of overlooked regions of the world, and Grayzel was especially excited to be able to highlight "the significance of race and racism in shaping the war's experiences and legacies." Dr. Grayzel will highlight the book this spring in her HIST 4815 World War I course.

For more information about Dr. Grayzel, see her profile here: and to order the book, visit the publisher's website:

Author: Alyssa Hughes 


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