October 27, 2023
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Cree Taylor at the ETE conference

Associate Professor Lisa Gabbert and Lecturer Cree Taylor were both recognized as Master Teachers at this year’s Empowering Teaching Excellence (ETE) Conference at the Logan campus. The Master Teaching Certificate is a terminal credential in the ETE10 program which requires evidence of teaching improvement and dedication to student success.

Previously, in February 2023, Lisa was also awarded the ETE Teaching Scholar Certificate. She concentrated in the Diversity Mentorship and Inclusive Teaching pathway. Activities to earn these certificates included workshops on topics such as disability, gender inclusiveness, indigenous inclusiveness, inclusive teaching practices, and transgender history, as well as attending and contributing to ETE conferences and implementing ideas and practices in the classroom. She states that participating in these activities was extremely rewarding and that her teaching has become more inclusive as a result. 

Cree says of her time in ETE: “I decided to get involved with ETE when I was first hired as a lecturer because I wanted to continue to improve as a teacher. I knew that I had a lot of progress to make as an early-career educator, and I wanted to put myself in places where good teachers were so that I could learn from them as I developed my own philosophy and pedagogical practices. Through ETE I have met amazing teachers and formed relationships with folks across campus. I have participated in a multitude of professional development activities that have enhanced who I am as a teacher. I am better because of my participation in ETE. My students have a more careful, thoughtful instructor, and I have been able to develop my teacher identity with the full support of folks who care about teaching just as much as or more than I do. 

Participating in the ETE10 program does feel like a lot of work; however, a lot of it mapped on to what I was already doing. I was already going to participate in the professional development opportunities. I was already going to observe and be observed in the classroom. I was already going to participate in professional teaching and learning communities. ETE10 just gave me a way to track it, and an incentive to keep pushing and participating. ETE10 has helped me stay focused on the most meaningful elements of my career and I am really happy that I found this community. It is truly a gift.” 

For more information about the ETE10 program, visit the website here.