Upcoming Events
Interfaith Student Association-Secular Student Alliance Joint Potluck
Student Activities
Come hang out with the Secular Student Alliance and the Interfaith Student Association! We will be having a breakfast-for-dinner potluck and building bridges.
Breakfast for Dinner - Interfaith Student Assoc. and Secular Student Alliance
Student Activities
Come join the Secular Student Alliance and Interfaith Student Association for a joint club potluck. We will be having breakfast for dinner!
NEH Regional Grant-Writing Workshop
Save the Date! Utah State University will host a regional grant-writing workshop from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Registration information and a schedule will be released in January.
Phi Alpha Theta Movie Night: "Hidden Figures"
Student Activities | Inclusive Excellence
Come and eat pizza, hear an introduction to the movie by Dr. Angela Diaz, and watch Hidden Figures with us!
"The Unsettling Histories of Glen Canyon Dam" with Erika Bsumek
Lecture/Readings | Inclusive Excellence
Come and hear Dr. Bsumek speak about the historical political, and social context of the controversial Glen Canyon Dam. She will explore the impact settler colonialism has had and continues to have on the region and the indigenous people who have long lived there.
CHaSS Research Workshop: Grant-Writing Charrette
The College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHaSS), the Office of Research, and USU Libraries will sponsor a grant-writing charrette - a hands-on, collaborative peer review session. Participation in the workshop is by application and is limited to 9 CHaSS faculty (at any rank or campus), including lecturers and post-docs. Preference, however, will be given to early career scholars and those soon seeking promotion. Apply by February 15, 2023 here: https://usu.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5o19ZOrIM6tK3mS
CHaSS Networking Night
Graduates from the College of Humanities & Social Sciences go on to forge careers in almost every sector. Now they're returning to campus to give fellow Aggies advice on succeeding beyond college. CHaSS Networking Night invites alumni to dine with current students, creating opportunities for new connections. Students select a seat at a specific table, offering a chance to network or ask questions about their majors and career goals. This event is highly recommended for CHaSS juniors and seniors, and any CHaSS student looking to make connections is welcome! Dinner and parking included. Registration required: https://chass.usu.edu/events/networking-night/index
Mehdi Heravi Global Teaching & Learning Center Groundbreaking
The College of Humanities and Social Sciences is pleased to break ground on the Mehdi Heravi Global Teaching and Learning Center. In celebration of this exciting new project, CHaSS will hold a groundbreaking ceremony on 3.22.23. Reception to follow in David B. Haight Center, and attendees are also invited to stay for the 2023 CHaSS Awards at 3 pm in the Taggart Student Center Ballroom. Please RSVP: https://chass.usu.edu/languages/gtlc/groundbreaking/index
College of Humanities & Social Sciences 2023 Awards Ceremony
Each year we honor students, faculty, staff, and alumni from the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. Scholarship recipients, students of the year, and faculty honors are part of this special ceremony, which is an annual celebration of the people in CHaSS! This year's CHaSS Awards will be held on 3.22.23 at 3 pm in the Taggart Student Center ballroom. Current students, faculty, staff, alumni, and families of the 2023 awardees are invited to join us at this year's award celebration. Reception to follow.
Peace Building in Yemen with Stacy Philbrick Yadav
Panel Discussion/Presentation
The IOGP and Political Science Department are hosting a presentation with Stacey Philbrick Yadav to discuss Yemen's civil war, the 2022 ceasefire and how Yemenis are pursuing peace and justice in the aftermath of the conflict. There will be free pizza!
“Swipe Wrongs: Sexual Racism in Dating Apps and Dating Culture”
Dr. Apryl Williams (University of Michigan) will discuss research from her upcoming book, "Not My Type: Automating Sexual Racism in Online Dating" (Stanford University Press), in which she examines algorithmic inequities in online dating and explores how match-making algorithms perpetuate racism.
"How the Great War Ended: Making Peace on the Middle Eastern Front" with Michelle Tusan
Lecture/Readings | Inclusive Excellence
This talk will explore the peace process between the Allies and the Ottoman Empire at the end of the First World War. It reveals the human cost of nearly 10 years of uninterrupted war when peace finally came in 1923.
CHaSS Road Trip to Lehi
Want to learn about different career paths your CHaSS degree can open for you? Approaching graduation and unsure where to try your next steps? You’ve got the knowledge and the skills to thrive in any industry; meet our alumni and visit their workplaces to get tips on how! On Friday, March 31st, join us for a day trip to Lehi for lunch and two alumni-hosted company visits at Weave Communications (Rachael Fresh, Communication Studies 2018) and Visa International (Kevin White, Journalism & Spanish 1991). Road Trips are free and open to all undergraduate and graduate CHaSS students—email brittney.allen@usu.edu to reserve your spot today!
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