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Friday, November 22

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Meet the National Security Agency (NSA)


Join us for an exclusive event exploring the National Security Agency (NSA) and the incredible career opportunities it offers. Don't miss your chance to meet with recruiters and past employees!

Career opportunities include:
- Data Science
- Cybersecurity
- Communication
- Language Analysis
- Computer Science
- Cryptography
- Engineering

Join us on Friday, November 22 at 12:30 PM in HH 322 for a presentation, questions, and light networking.

12:30 pm - 1:30 pm | Huntsman Hall |

CHaSS Presents Alumni in Academia

Panel Discussion/Presentation

Join CHaSS for an Alumni in Academia event focused on exploring career opportunities in higher education! Learn about current job opportunities, the application process, and strategies for success from alumni working across various academic fields. This event is free and open to all. Lunch will be provided.

12:30 pm - 1:20 pm | USU Libraries |

Dangerous Love: A Workshop with USU professor Chad Ford


In conflict? At home, at work, or in your community? Learn the skills to transform your conflicts with with USU Peacebuilding professor Chad Ford in an interactive two-hour workshop. The Dangerous Love workshop takes you through an interactive process that Professor Ford has developed to help individuals, families and groups work through conflict. Everyone in attendance will be asked to think deeply about a person or group they are in conflict with and then we will, together as a group, work through the conflict. Expect to play some games, wrestle with some deep questions and hopefully, find a path to transform your conflict into something constructive.

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm |




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