Applied Anthropology Practicum Program

Applied Anthropology Practicum Program


The Applied Anthropology Practicum Program at Utah State University gives exceptional anthropology majors the opportunity to apply their academic coursework to an internship or practicum at an organization with relevance to their career or academic goals. The practicum will generally run one semester. Students need to apply at least one semester prior to the start of the practicum semester and have a work plan prepared with their site supervisor by the beginning of the practicum.

Angela Montague

Angela Montague

Assistant Professor of Professional Practice

Sample Projects

Dr. Angela Montague volunteering at the Cache Refugee and Immigrant Connection
Cache Valley Refugee and Immigrant Connection

Our mission is to promote integration, economic self-sufficiency, and positive connections among refugees, immigrants, and the wider community through two-way education, improved access to existing services, and development of new services.

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